Timer penalty for dying now scales much more aggressively with shards.
Fixed an exploit involving rotating the game camera to dramatically reduce the aggro radius of nearby enemies.
It is now possible to avoid pulling all bosses in a Shattered Guardian’s Domain without resorting to camera exploits. Bosses now do not engage until you get closer.
Boss aggro behavior has been changed and their spawn positions have been updated in higher shards.
Increased monster Offensive Ability and Damage scaling at Shards 70+.
These sets are available exclusively in the Shattered Realm on Ultimate difficulty.
Three new Legendary sets have been added to the Forgotten Gods loot pool, 12 items in total.
For those that preferred that old appearance, it is still available as a cosmetic option from the Splendors of the Shattered Realm vendor.
The Shattered Guardian Set has received a visual update to make its splendor even more impressive.
20 new areas have been introduced into the Shard pool, including 4 new Shattered Guardian’s Domains.
The Shattered Realm’s fractured reality reveals new secrets.